Issue: 77, 6/1/24

Year: 2024
Prof. Dr. Oğuzhan DURMUŞ Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi 0000-0003-2327-703X
Çağdaş Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatları, Çuvaş Dil ve Edebiyatı, Eski Türk Dili (Orhun, Uygur, Karahanlı), Tarihi Kuzey Doğu Türk Dili (Harezm, Kıpçak, Çağatay), Yeni Türk Dili (Eski Anadolu, Osmanlı, Türkiye Türkçesi)
Dil Çalışmaları, Dilbilim, Sosyal Hizmetler, Sosyoloji
Prof. Dr. Erkan SALAN Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü 0000-0002-4052-1121
Yeni Türk Dili (Eski Anadolu, Osmanlı, Türkiye Türkçesi)
Prof. Dr. Hülya ARSLAN EROL Gaziantep Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
Yeni Türk Dili (Eski Anadolu, Osmanlı, Türkiye Türkçesi)
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Yeni Türk Dili (Eski Anadolu, Osmanlı, Türkiye Türkçesi)
Dil Çalışmaları, Osmanlı Sahası Klasik Türk Edebiyatı


The aim of  Yearbook of Turkic Studies - Belleten is to support the improvement of Turkish language studies and the advance in qualified language researches.  The journal provides a scientific platform concerning various contemporary and historical topics, which will attract the Turkish language researchers’ attention and will interest a large audience of readers who pursue their studies on language while also introducing the works on the field and bringing them to the attention of researchers.


Yearbook of Turkic Studies - Belleten is a linguistics and philology journal dedicated to the scientific examination of the Turkish language in both historical and contemporary contexts. The journal also has a regional character by including articles related to other languages, particularly Altay studies and languages related to the Turkish language.

The journal publishes research articles, compilation/review articles, publication evaluations, discussions, and letters to the editor in the aforementioned areas.

Writing and Submission Rules

• Articles must be in line with the aim and scope of the journal.

• Articles are directly directed to referees through YAYSİS (without any changes made to the file uploaded by the author) to ensure author-referee confidentiality. There should be no identifying information about the owner of the article to maintain author-referee confidentiality.

Yearbook of Turkic Studies - Belleten accepts article submissions through the Publication Tracking System (YAYSİS) available at All stages of the publication process are conducted through this system, and the author is informed at each stage. Applications made by mail or email are not accepted for the publication process.

• The layout, titling, figures, tables, and citation system of the articles must adhere to the APA 7 guidelines.

• When submitting the article, you must use the template file. You can download the file from here.

• The copyright form must also be submitted along with the articles. No changes can be made to the information provided hereafter. You can download the file from here.

• Research articles submitted to the journal should have a word count between 3000 and 10000 words. In articles based on fieldwork, this limit may be exceeded with the permission of the Editorial Board. Additionally, in articles requested by leading figures in the field by the Editorial Board, this limit is not applied. The word limit for book review articles is between 1500 and 2500 words. For discussion-type articles, a limit of 2500-5000 words is applied, while for letters to the editor, a limit of 750-1500 words is applied.

• Articles must include abstracts in both English and Turkish, consisting of at least 200 and at most 250 words, and keywords in both languages ​​should be included on the first page of the article.

• In the event of a decision to publish, at the end of the article, before the references section, the contribution rate of researchers (CRediT author statement), ethical committee, acknowledgments if any, and conflict of interest statement should be indicated in accordance with the template file.

Page Layout Principles

• Times New Roman font should be used in the article. However, if special fonts have been used during writing due to the requirements of certain fields, these fonts should be uploaded to the system.

• Abstract should be written 2 cm inward from right and left sides, with 10pt and a single line break.

• The article should be prepared as MS Word file. The page layout of the paper should be as follows:

Text size: 11pt

Footnote size: 9 pt

Paragraph break: 6 pt

Indent: 1,25 cm

Top-bottom-right-left margins: 3cm.

Line break: single

• If there will be footnotes in the article, they should be written with single line break, 0pt paragraph break and 9pt.

• In the article, the direct quotations exceeding 40 words should be written 1,5 cm inward from right and left sides and with 10pt.

Reference Principles 

• References should be formatted according to APA 7 guidelines.

• All the resourced used should be specified under the title “References” at the end of the article.

The articles, which do not conform to these principles will absolutely not be evaluated.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Publication Ethics Statement: All parties in the publication process (authors, editorial board and referees) will make decisions in accordance with the ethical standards. In order to guarantee high ethical standards, The Yearbook of Turkic Studies - Belleten has acknowledged international standards for all parties. The Yearbook of Turkic Studies - Belleten expects all parties to comply with these standards. The best publication ethics standards are supported and all precautions against publication malpractices are taken. The Yearbook of Turkic Studies - Belleten as the publisher takes the tutorship task seriously in all phases of publishing and acknowledges ethical and other responsibilities.

International Standards for the Authors

The Yearbook of Turkic Studies – Belleten does not request all authors of an article a signed letter of application, and does not conduct mandatory practices on the authors. All authors applying to the Yearbook of Turkic Studies - Belleten are expected to comply voluntarily with the international standards (the ethical principles determined by the Committee on the Publication Ethics (COPE),

· The authors will approve that the articles are their genuine works. Plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, dual publication, data manipulation are not allowed.

· The authors will not inflict physical or legal harm to the participants of the study and they will not abuse the participants psychologically. In addition, the authors will provide the right to privacy and anonymity.

· The authors will indicate the individuals or institutions (sponsors) supporting the study.

· The authors will approve that the article has not been published elsewhere before, and is not being evaluated elsewhere for publishing at the moment.

· The authors will ensure the list of references they used in their article.

· If an author finds out that there is an important error or mistake in their published work, they will immediately inform the journal’s editor or published and will cooperate with the editor to withdraw or correct the article.

· The authors will inform the Yearbook of Turkic Studies – Belleten about any conflict of interest.

International Standards for the Editorial Board

The editors and the members of the Editorial Board will comply with the international standards for the Editorial Board. The editor and the Editorial Board of the Yearbook of Turkic Studies – Belleten are expected to comply voluntarily with the international standards (the ethical principles determined by the Committee on the Publication Ethics (COPE),

· The editorial board will keep all the data about the submitted papers confidential.

· The editorial board is responsible for taking the publishing decisions for all papers submitted.

· The editorial board will make an effort to meet the requirements of both the readers and the authors.

· The editorial board will make an effort to increase the quality of the Yearbook of Turkic Studies - Belleten.

· The editorial board will attach utmost importance to quality and authenticity.

· The editorial board will be ready to publish revisions, statements, withdrawals and apologies when needed.

International Standards for Referees

The referees are will comply with the international standards for refereeing after accepting the invitation. The referees of the Yearbook of Turkic Studies - Belleten are expected to to comply voluntarily with the international standards (the ethical principles determined by the Committee on the Publication Ethics (COPE),

· The referees will keep the information about the papers confidential.

· The referees will present all the information that would be a reason for rejecting an article to the attention of the editorial board.

· The referees will evaluate the articles with regard to being scientific.

· The referees will evaluate the articles only with regard to their authenticity, significance and compliance with the scope of the journal.

· The referees will inform the Yearbook of Turkic Studies - Belleten about any conflict of interest.

All articles are subjected to the plagiarism check using the iThenticate software by the Yearbook of Turkic Studies - Belleten. The authors will avoid all kinds of plagiarism including self-plagiarism. The articles with a similarity report containing results exceeding 18% similarity will not be published by the journal. The articles will be authentic, and not be published before or submitted for publication elsewhere.

The editor will control the articles for deciding the publication process and determining misconducts. If a paper is defined as misconducting, the author will be responsible for the withdrawal or correction of that paper in line with the feedback provided by the editor and the referees.

Informed Consent Policy

Author(s) should comply with the following conditions in order to meet ethical and legal standards for work with human subjects:

Participants in your research should be informed that you will be conducting research in which they will be the participants or that you would like to write about them for publication.

Participants in your research should be informed that participation is voluntary, that there is no penalty for refusing to participate, and that the participants may withdraw at any time without penalty.

Participants in your research should be informed that the purpose of your research and the procedure you will follow in the research.

Participants in your research should be informed that contact information that they can reach you for answers to questions regarding the research.

Participants in your research should be informed that any foreseeable risks and discomforts involved in agreeing to cooperate.

Participants in your research should be informed that any possible direct benefits of participating (e.g., receiving a copy of the article or chapter).

Participants in your research should be informed if and how their confidentiality will be protected.

According to the relevant regulation, authors are paid copyright fees, and reviewers are paid review fees (